Schemas, Infosets and Objects: The Web Architecture of the Future Starts Today
Henry S. Thompson
Table of contents
Schemas, Infosets and Objects:
XML is ASCII for the 21st century
The original take on markup
The alternative XML take on markup
Application data
Structured markup
What just happened!?
The new challenge
What’s the Infoset?
What does it mean to be ‘abstract’?
What the Infoset isn’t
Infoset details
Objects, Models and Reflection
Syntax, Semantics and the Connections between them
Re-describing the Infoset and the infoset and the application
The Infoset Revolution
The Infoset Pipeline begins
The XML Schema comes next
The Schema and the Infoset
The Infoset grows
The Infoset is transformed
The Infoset is composed
The Infoset is accessed
The Infoset is transmitted
A big step forward
Schemas at the heart
Types and the Infoset
Mapping between layers
Mapping between layers 2
Normal Forms as the basis for specifying mappings
Example of normal-form-based mapping
What XML has not solved
XML and Web Services
What is the metadata problem
Requirements for metadata
Some choices for Web Services
XML Schema: some details
A simple example
What is RDF?
Aside: Who is the W3C?
RDF Model and Syntax
A simple RDF example
What RDF is not
Overall Conclusion